06 April, 2018  |  territory wellness

Mud therapy

Thermal treatments can be defined as “natural” more than any other therapy. In fact, they are based on (mineral) thermal water and mud that derives from the maturation process of soil or clay, bringing the development of algae and microorganisms that have a curative effect on our body. Furthermore, thermal treatments, such as  mud and bath therapy, hydrokinesitherapy and inhalations are constantly studied according to the criteria of traditional science while their efficiency is demonstrated by several research studies, comparable to pharmaceutical drug studies before going on the market. That is why thermal means natural and, above all, efficiency.

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30 March, 2018

A super holiday

Just what the doctor ordered: a break to revive body and soul while enjoying our ...
29 March, 2018

Muscle Relaxing Massage

It is designed to relax the bones, joints and muscles and restore the correct  ...
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